Alan José

Preferred Mediator

Phone +2782 897 9241


Alan works with couples in assisting them, by way of mediation, in coming to an amicable agreement on any and all family law related matter.

Alan, as an attorney who as been practising in the field of family law for over 20 years, is well aware of the damage that litigation does to families. As a result he trained and qualified as a mediator in 2005 and has been mediating since then.

He was on the committee for SAAM (South African Association of Mediators) for a few years and is presently on the committee for the Gauteng Family Law Forum.

Meditation saves parties the financial and emotional costs that are invariable incurred during litigation. Not to mention the fact that mediation assists the parties in reaching an agreement in substantially less time that what litigation would.

Via mediation Alan is able to assist parties reach agreement on

  • Parental Responsibilities and Rights
  • Residential arrangements
  • Contact
  • Maintenance
  • Accrual
  • Division of estates
  • Post-Divorce variations