
Family Dynamics webinar

Family Dynamics webinar #3 with Paula Quinsee and Shando Theron

Relationship Coach Paula Quinsee and Divorce Attorney Shando Theron once again discuss factors that contribute to relationships, divorce nd your rights and obligations according to the law.

Family Dynamics webinar

Family Dynamics Webinar #2 - Paula Quinsee and Shando Theron

Relationship and Life Coach Paula Quinsee and Divorce Attorney Shando Theron discuss:
• how can culture can impact relationships
• can you rebuild trust again once it’s gone
• is there such a thing as common law husband/wife
• is a customary/traditional wedding legal
• with GBV being so topical at the moment, what legal rights does a victim have when it comes to abuse and where do they go for help
• and so much more.

Family Dynamics webinar

Family Dynamics Webinar with Paula Quinsee and Shando Theron

Not all marriages need to end in divorce, and not all divorces need to be messy. Paula Quinsee and Shando Theron discuss what causes relationships to fall apart, what your rights are according to the law and things you should be considering if you are heading down that rocky road.